· Mandatory 65-mph speed limits for semis
· Mandatory onboard recorders
· Strengthening the FMCSA's ability to revoke the registration of a carrier
· Requiring potential carriers to pass a written exam and submit a safety management plan
· Studies on the effectiveness of detention time and the need for standards on roof and pillar strength, air bags and front and back wall elements
· Continuing work on getting a safety fitness enforcement plan in place
Will New Rules Reduce 18-Wheeler Accidents in Texas?
While most of the proposal seems like a good step toward making trucks safer, toward holding trucking companies responsible for their actions, it is unlikely that the legislation will go into effect anytime soon. Budget cuts across the nation mean that issues such as large truck safety get put on the backburner. Only time will tell if the proposal will be signed into law; but it seems doubtful.
The staff and attorneys at the Hart Law Firm will be following this story closely, bringing you any updates that apply to the truck safety proposal.
Have You Been Injured In A Texas Truck Accident?
If you've been injured in a truck accident you need to speak with an experienced truck accident injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Colleyville office directly at 817.380.4888 to schedule your free consultation.