Two escort trucks were part of the convoy and as the truck crossed the Colombian River Crossing Bridge. Taking up both lanes, the trucks were positioned to stop vehicles going both ways. However, a car went around both the escort truck and the driver holding a stop sign. The car sped ahead toward the enormous truck and a completely blocked roadway. The driver of the escort truck attempted to warn the driver of the large truck, but there was not much the driver could do.
"He went around, so she radioed real fast to the truck, ‘Start slowing down there's a car coming. I couldn't stop him,' and they started slowing down, but they couldn't stop fast enough for how fast he was coming," said Mike Mitchell, director of the company responsible for the large shipment.
The man in the car slammed into the semi-truck, rode the rail of the bridge, and then fell off onto the embankment of the river. The car did not enter the water or flip. The driver was in critical condition and was taken to East Texas Medical Center in Tyler.
The staff and Dallas accident attorneys at the Hart Law Firm hope that the injured man is on his way to making a full recovery from his injuries.
Have You Been Injured In A Texas Truck Accident?
If you've been injured in a truck accident you need to speak with an experienced truck accident injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Colleyville office directly at 817.380.4888 to schedule your free consultation.