Looking for information on your Fort Worth auto accident case? Find what you need in our article library.
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Main Reasons Truckers Cause Rear-End Accidents in TexasTruck rear-end accidents are more dangerous than passenger vehicle crashes. Learn why they happen and how to protect your rights after a truck accident.
Disadvantages of Settling Truck Accident Claims Without a LawyerSettling quickly after a truck accident may seem tempting, but it can cost you. Learn the disadvantages of settling truck accident claims without a lawyer.
Why Your Truck Crash Case Could Take a Long Time to SettleHow long could it take to resolve a truck accident case? Learn how the extent of your medical care and how long the investigation takes can affect the timing.
5 Main Ways Truck Crashes Are Different From Auto Crashes5 Main Ways Truck Crashes Are Different From Auto Crashes that could significantly impact your case. Learn how liability, and insurance vary in truck crashes.
Truckers’ Hidden Health Issues Can Lead to AccidentsTruckers are required to be free of physical and mental problems that could make them unsafe drivers. Many have hidden health conditions that cause accidents.
Avoiding Common Trucker CSA Violations Would Reduce the Risk of Motorists Suffering Serious Injuries and DeathsTruckers and truck companies violate CSA rules designed to keep trucks safer and reduce accidents. Was your crash caused by one of these common violations?
5 Ways Truckers’ Aggressive Driving Results in Dangerous AccidentsTruckers driving aggressively cause deadly wrecks with other drivers. Learn how this may have caused your crash and the compensation you could be entitled to.
Truckers Who Violate FMCSA Safety Rules Put Other Drivers at RiskSome truckers fail to follow FMCSA safety rules when securing their cargo. Find out the common ways truckers violate these rules and cause serious crashes.
Innocent Drivers at Risk of Serious Injuries Due to Truckers’ Unsafe Driving in FogIf truckers engage in unsafe driving practices in fog, like not using lights, passing, and driving too fast, they put other drivers at risk of serious injuries.
Underride Guards Help Prevent Fatalities in Car-Truck AccidentsThousands of people are injured and killed each year as their cars plow under semi-trucks in collisions. See how underride guards can help decrease your risks.