· With your paper and pencil (or a note on your cell phone) you can get the information you need from the driver who hit you and any witnesses. It is crucial that if you are not badly injured, you gather as much contact information as possible. Drivers too often change their stories in an attempt to put the blame on you. Gathering witness information can be the key to proving your case. Also, get the information of the driver, not just the information on the insurance card, but his name, personal address and phone number.
· With your camera take pictures of the damage done to your vehicle. Also, it is worth the extra minute to take pictures of your surroundings. Trees that are blocking signs, road debris and other vehicles may have contributed to the crash. All of these things can be moved or altered before our attorneys arrive at the scene of the crash. Your pictures, taken with a camera or phone, may make or break your case.
Have You Been Injured In A Texas Truck Accident?
If you've been injured in a truck accident you need to speak with an experienced truck accident injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Colleyville office directly at 817.485.8888 to schedule your free consultation.