1. Get the accident report- Obtaining the police crash report soon after your accident will help you make the most out of your free initial consultation. The police report is often crucial when taking crash cases to court.
2. Take pictures as soon as possible- While you may be reeling after your accident with a truck, it is important that you, a family member or friend get pictures of the damage to your car, the surrounding area and anything that may have caused the crash. For example, some crash victims are able to show, through pictures, that tree branches were covering a sign or that the other driver had a clear view of their vehicle and still hit them. Use your phone or a camera to get as many pictures as you can.
3. Get as much information as possible from the other driver- Don't stop at the other drivers' insurance information. Be sure that you ask for their name, address, phone numbers even their place of employment. Also, be sure you have the drivers information as the name on the insurance document may list the owner of the truck, not the truck driver himself.
4. Get contact information from witnesses- While it's important that you respect their privacy, the key to your case may be witness statements. Get as much information as they are comfortable giving and thank them for giving it.
Some people, knowing that the driver of the semi truck was at fault, will not follow these steps. However, our attorneys have seen the trucker take back their admission of guilt and try to blame the crash on our client. Their insurance agent will also try and discredit your story, making it seem as if you should carry at least part of the blame, even if you have done nothing wrong. Don't let the insurance company pressure you into signing anything, admitting anything.
Have You Been Injured In A Texas Truck Accident?
If you've been injured in a truck accident you need to speak with an experienced truck accident injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Colleyville office directly at 817.485.8888 to schedule your free consultation.