Construction workers face the danger of many injuries—or worse, dying—on the job. Some of these injuries can cause them to be unable to perform their job duties or to perform day-to-day activities that we all take for granted. One of the most devastating injuries construction workers can suffer is amputation. Whether the person loses a toe, finger, arm, or leg, it can change his life forever, and he can experience a loss of income and ability to support himself, chronic pain, and a significant reduction in the quality of his life.
Why Do Construction Accident Amputations Occur?
An amputation can be the immediate result of a construction site accident or needed at a later date if the damage to the limb, finger, or toe is too severe to repair. Common ways these tragedies occur include:
Equipment malfunctions.
Even properly working equipment, like power tools, forklifts, and other heavy machinery, poses dangers to workers. When equipment is not maintained or repaired promptly, an accident and amputation can be the unfortunate result.
Lack of safety equipment.
When workers do not have proper safety equipment, such as guards on power tools to prevent fingers or other body parts from being cut and fall prevention equipment, they are in danger of having one of the many accidents that could result in a body part being amputated.
Falls from heights.
Many construction workers must work on scaffolds, ladders, and other high areas on construction jobs. Falls are one of the leading causes of deaths at construction sites, and it is no wonder that workers who are lucky enough to survive a dangerous fall could find that they have lost a finger, toe, leg, or arm.
Moving vehicle collisions.
Some construction workers must travel by motor vehicle on the work site or travel between work sites. If a worker is in a serious vehicle accident, he could suffer an amputation of a body part as well as other life-altering injuries. In addition, heavy machinery like forklifts and bulldozers are often driven on site while work is being performed. When the operator does not look for workers near him, a tragic accident could be the result.
Being struck by falling objects.
Being struck by falling objects is another common type of construction accident that occurs when workers drop tools or materials—some very heavy—from heights on unsuspecting co-workers below. Sadly, one of the consequences could be an amputation.
Workers in Texas face the additional challenges of working in a state where employers can opt out of providing workers’ compensation benefits. However, if you work for a non-subscriber employer, you still have legal options to obtain the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.
Have You Been Injured In A Texas Construction Accident?
If you've been injured in a construction accident you need to speak with an experienced construction accident injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Colleyville office directly at 817.485.8888 to schedule your free consultation.
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