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You’re paying for your injury—by the truckload.Why is a Texas truck crash different than a regular car accident? What makes semis so dangerous—the size, the speed, or the person driving them?
It Only Takes a Second to Cause a Crash: The Dangers of Distracted DrivingDistracted driving can be caused by many things, but it's always dangerous. Learn more about the menace of distracted drivers on our roads in this article.
Bikers Take the Road: Is There Safety in Numbers?Is biking safe? Do helmet laws prevent injury? Learn how to protect yourself while cycling—whether for pleasure or racing—and how to protect those around you.
Bus Tours to Mexico: Understanding the Dangers of International TravelVacationing in Mexico? Many tour buses operating internationally are not federally regulated—and their cut corners could cost you and your loved ones.
Unprotected, unaware—and unable to run.Pedestrian killed in car accident! We’ve seen the headline so many times. Why are pedestrians at risk on roads, in crosswalks—even walking on the sidewalk?