Some "do not enter" and "wrong way" signs on the North Texas Tollway in Dallas are being lowered a full five feet. While you may think that this will make them impossible to see, researchers and safety experts believe that the change will help drunk drivers realize their mistake before it's too late.
"[The lowered signs are] an attempt to engage [impaired drivers] with signage where they are searching," said NTTA spokesman Michael Ray. "It is the NTTA's hope that data gathered from our wrong-way signs will lead to their adoption across the country."
I Drive the Tollway- Will I See the New Signs?
The new signs, a mere two feet off the ground and some adorned with flashing LED lights, are currently being placed at selected ramps on the Dallas North Tollway, Sam Rayburn Tollway and President George Bush Tunrpike. Hopefully, you will be driving the right way, sober and alert, and will therefore only see the back side of the new signage.
As with any effort to lower the number of drunk driving accidents on the roads of North Texas, the staff and attorneys at the Hart Law Firm hope that the new signs do, in fact, stop drivers from making a mistake that too often ends a life.
Have You Or A Loved One Been Injured By A Drunk Driver?
If you've been injured by a drunk driver in Texas you need to speak with an experienced drunk driver injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Colleyville office directly at 817.485.8888 to schedule your free consultation.