Many construction jobs require the use of heavy equipment and machinery to get the work done. While they can reduce the time and manual labor it takes to get tasks completed, heavy equipment and machinery can be dangerous. Many workers suffer catastrophic injuries or death in these construction accidents.
Types of Equipment and Machinery That Cause Construction Accidents
There are many types of heavy machinery used in both residential and commercial building projects going on throughout the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Mid-Cities area. Some of these include:
- Forklifts
- Cranes
- Bulldozers
- Backhoes
- Front-end loaders
- Hoists
- Aerial lifts
How Equipment and Machinery Accidents Occur
While the causes of equipment and the risk of heavy machinery injury can vary, negligence is often the underlying cause. If you were injured in one of these accidents and work for a non-subscriber employer, identifying the cause will be important to determining the party responsible for compensating you. Some common causes include:
Improper maintenance and repair.
Employers have a duty to have heavy machinery maintained regularly and repaired when necessary. Some will contract with a third-party to perform these duties. When maintenance and repairs are not completed, brakes, cables, chains, belts, and guards can fail.
Failure to train workers.
Forklifts, bulldozers, and other equipment require training to be operated properly and safely. Accidents can occur when supervisors fail to train operators.
Vehicle accidents.
When workers driving heavy machinery fail to check blind spots, or engage in other unsafe driving practices, an accident with another vehicle or nearby co-worker can be the result.
Struck by or caught between objects.
Workers can be struck by heavy construction materials when heavy equipment is not operated properly or malfunctions due to the lack of maintenance or defective parts. In addition, they can suffer life-threatening injuries or death if they are between heavy machinery and other equipment or objects.
Defective equipment.
In some cases, defects in the design or manufacture of heavy equipment causes it to fail and injure workers. The parts and equipment manufacturers may face liability in a products liability action.
Many construction companies in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and throughout Texas have opted out of providing workers’ compensation benefits. However, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering if you prove your non-subscriber employer was at least one percent at fault in causing your accident.
Have You Been Injured In A Texas Construction Accident?
If you've been injured in a construction accident you need to speak with an experienced construction accident injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Ft Worth metro area office directly at 817.485.8888 to schedule your free consultation.
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